Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Who is Randy Paulino

I am Randy Paulino, a Filipino Graphic/ Web/ UI Designer & Artist, Political Idealist, a Writing & Photography Enthusiast, and a Businessman. A Graduate of Computer Engineering, with background in Business Development and Information Technology, working as a Graphic / Web Designer by profession. My expertise vary from Graphic Design (which includes Image Editing, Photo Manipulation, Vector Graphics), Publishing and Print materials, Illustration/Hard Drawing (penciling & inking) to Web Design (XHTML, CSS, Content Management Systems), SEO, and Web Development (PHP, MySQL). My personal and work Portfolio can be viewed in this site. I also work on Branding and Corporate-Marketing Identity. I have experiences in Business Consultancy with independent startup entrepreneurs and distributors. I also have scholastic backgrounds in Data Communications, Hardware Modular Design & Peripherals and Open-source applications.

My personal interests & influences range from modern art (comics, graphic novels), the Mob Culture (in movies and literature), and Filipino History. I also have a knack in World War II History, the Cold War era, and Political Idealism. I am also a practicing Nationalist and currently trying to conceive an ideology based on what I call and describe as " Liberal Nationalism / Absolute Centrism " (based on the political spectrum), which simply conveys to the principle "Freedom ends where morality begins" and directly eludes to the core ideal "For God and Country".

Antworks™ is my personal/ professional Creative Label that marks various media ranging from Web Design, Pop Art, Photo Manipulations, Corporate Collaterals/Prints, Graphic & Traditional Art, Vector Graphics, Digital Art, Designs & Concepts.

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